UK SPINE Annual Conference 2020: Bridge Program e-posters

Epigenetic targets to reactivate T cells - Annette von Delft (Oxford)
Biomarkers in healthy multimorbid and frail elders - Thomas Jackson (Birmingham)
Targeting autophagy via TFEB activation - Ghada Alsaleh (Oxford)
Raman spectroscopy for mitochondria - Karl Morten (Oxford)
Safe set of drug candidates for aging - John Overington (MDC)
Preclinical validation novel senolytics - Satomi Miwa & Thomas von Zglinicki (Newcastle)
Restore DNA repair via WRN reactivation - Lynne Cox (Oxford)
Adipose tissue autophagy: lipids & macrophage polarization - Katja Simon (Oxford)
Impacts of mTOR inhibition on aged human muscle - Philip Atherton (Nottingham)
Visualizing protein misfolding in brain aging - Sonia Gandhi (Crick)
Oxygen nanobubbles for tissue hypoxia - Duncan Richards (Oxford)