Proof of Concepts Programme: Flagship Projects

With the UK SPINE flagship projects we aim to deliver outputs with the potential for significant impact on ageing research, whilst at the same time catalysing the cultural change that the UK SPINE aims to lead. Flagship projects set out to be high visibility, high impact, and cross-institution initiatives. They will strengthen strategic partnerships; embed multiple KE best practice; deliver UK-wide economic benefit and have the potential for commercialisation of outputs.

Ageing Therapeutics

Project lead:

David Gray, University of Dundee

This project will deliver three chemical assets with drug-like properties and demonstrate proof-of-concept in cell-based models based on targets identified by UK SPINE partners.

Development & Delivery of a Working Porous Model of Ageing Therapeutic Discovery

Project lead:

Peter Simpson, Medicines Discovery Catapult

This project will consolidate national capabilities and provide multilateral knowledge exchange between the UK SPINE partners. It will develop accessible, porous entry points for stakeholders across the pharmaceutical discovery chain.

Targeting Age-Related Multi-Morbidities with Bisphosphonates

Project lead:

James Edwards, University of Oxford

Recent observations indicate significant beneficial effects of bisphosphonates treatment upon age-related disorders. This project identify which cell types bisphosphonates affect and investigate how are distributed and cleared from the body.

Novel Blood Biomarkers for Ageing Phenotypes

Project lead:

James Edwards, University of Oxford and Eugene McCloskey, University of Sheffield

This project aims to identify soluble biomarkers of ageing and mediators of Bisphosphanate-induced health benefits within the serum proteome in collaboration with SomaLogic, Inc.